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What is the Aashna+ community group?

This exciting emergent new community group will be a place where all involved will be invited to share their told and untold stories. We will together create space for your unique creativity, a place for sharing food, music, art and so much more. The group will be held by two Aashna+ therapists Samia and Shanit, who are devoted to supporting the creation of a therapeutically informed community at Aashna.

Who is the group for? 

This will speak to those who are longing for connection, a sense of belonging and feel the need for community. We are inviting all Aashna+ clients- past, present or future. Further, we extend our invitation to Aashna clients who feel drawn to the ethos of Aashna+ - Please discuss with your therapist, you are all welcome.


Together we will create a home for our told and untold stories, not only to help us make sense of the world but also ourselves.

Tier 1

​Clients are invited to contribute between £1 - £40 and therapists and supervisors earn up to £10. Each contributes according to their means and desire to contribute to the Aashna+ vision.

Tier 2

​Clients pay from £50+ upwards.  Therapists donate up to 50% to Aashna+ with the client's knowledge.  Each contributes according to their means and desire to contribute to the Aashna+ vision with the knowledge that 50% of their payment will go to the communal pot to enable those who can’t afford it to have access to long term therapy. 

If an Aashna+ therapist is approached in their private practice by a client they would like to work with under Aashna+, they are invited to donate up to 50% upwards to Aashna + service.

The Practical Stuff


  • All involved; clients, therapists, supervisors and the Aashna creative team are participants in a bigger social experiment. By co-creating a pot of ‘communal resources’, we contribute our presence, our commitment to the wider project, our time, creative energy and financial support according to our individual means.  In essence, the pot of communal resources enables us to offer accessible, inclusive and in-depth psychotherapy and supports other projects. With this in mind, you are invited to contribute to the ‘communal pot’ in line with the service Tier system, by whatever means possible.


  • The group will be for up to 12 people and aim to meet for up to 10 gatherings (excluding August), with the first Aashna+ Community Group taking place on 24 May 2024.


  • There is a commitment to attend the first three sessions.


  • We will meet on the 3rd Friday of every month, from 6 – 8pm, downstairs, at Aashna Counselling & Psychotherapy, 1 Castle Mews, Castle Road, London, N12 9EH.


​​​​​The group is closed for applications.  If you are interested in being part of the Aashna+ Community Group in the future, please express your interest by emailing

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